In the next room, you’ll see a path that leads upwards. Continue walking to the right after this. Pick it up as this will increase your Charm slot capacity by 1. After these enemies are defeated, a Charm Notch will fall to the ground. You can make this fight even quicker by using Vengeful Spirit. Spam them with your melee attack and only step back when they start to slam their heads on the ground. Keep climbing up and you’ll reach a small room where you’ll be faced with two Shrumal Ogres. After this, jump on the opening on the ceiling to proceed to the next room. Hit this lever to open the door, unlocking a shortcut. You should then arrive at an area where you’re faced with a lever on the ceiling. Defeat them before continuing on this path. Reach the floating platform and proceed to the left where you’ll encounter two more Shurmal Warriors. Behind it is a higher ledge you can jump onto, and to the upper left of that is a floating platform. Keep going and you’ll find another Shrumal Warrior waiting for you. You should be able to eliminate this enemy after three to four hits or one to two spells. All the way, it will leave a trail of orange poison gas that will damage you if you get in contact with it. It will also occasionally leap into the air. This enemy will curl into a ball and roll towards you. You’ll come across a Shrumal Warrior in this room. Once you’ve gotten past the third Sporg, you’ll see an entrance on the top right.

Those balls will explode after a few seconds or when they’re close enough to you. While heading up, Sporgs will sprout from the walls and start shooting green balls that will follow you.